Nordic Point of View blog

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Friday, June 6, 2014

How to create your own training plan?

Summer is the most difficult and challenging part of the year for every amateur XC- skier. Snow had melted completely on most tracks and you don't know what to do with your free time. Let me help you. This is the best moment to think about next winter and get well prepared for the upcoming season. I recommend you to create your own training plan. It isn't as hard, as it seems. Ideally you won't be only prepare yourself for the season, but also improve your performance and work on disadvantages. That's why it's so important to know exactly what you need in your plan.

As a XC- skier you are able to select one from many activities matching your training. Still remember, that your plan should be focused on skiing. To become better skier, meet some important principles. These practical fundamentals established by can help you:
  • Consistency- is the most important factor in training which determines physical fitness, skill and ultimately performance. In real terms, this means leading an active lifestyle and doing the cardio-muscular workouts, ideally every day.
  • Specificity- that means choosing activities or exercises which most closely match your sport. If your main goal is a ski race then you have to ski lots (or rollski if it's impossible). Unfortunately you won't become as good of a skier by biking, swimming or lifting weights. Of course you have many options, but you have to be focused on skiing. That's why pro- racers went on glaciers in the summer. 
  • Periodicity- in training you should provide yourself the variance in volume, intensity and recovery which will improve your fitness. Most people incorrectly train medium-well all the time. What you need to do is mix it up by one day going further or faster (intervals). Alternate between hard and easy days, whilst ensuring plenty of active recovery.
  • Progressive loading- gradually increases the difficulty of workouts over time. Challenge your body to improve and adapt to the load in hours or intensity.

Photo credit: Skistar Trysil / Foter / Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic (CC BY 2.0)
Beyond that you should define, how much time you can spend for workouts. An optimal periodicity for an amateur is three days of exercises per week in summer and skiing two days weekly during winter. According to XCzone, you'll be prepared for 10 km race, if you practise in this way. Intermediate skiers should train weekly 5 days while preparing for a season and ski 4 days per week in winter. Pro- skiers usually practise 6 days a week in summer and in winter they ski 5 times per week besides racing. In addition there isn't only one type of activity in one day. For example Noah Hoffman was on the training camp with the rest of national XC and biathlon team in Bend, where he was doing multiple drills on snow every day and also working out at the gym etc.

As I mentioned before, there are some activities matched to XC- skiing. Training plan should include general activities, such as mountain and road biking, running, swimming, strength training and specific activities, such as rollskiing and imitation. Maybe I'll manage to write some more words about every activity.

Of course this post is only a base for creating a training plan. We've learned fundamentals, which are very helpful, if you want to prepare yourself for upcoming season. Still there left some questions, which I'll write about in next posts.

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